Whether you go for a walk, go shopping, attend a party or simply sit in front of the computer, you need energy. Without having the essential energy, you will feel tired, burnt out, sluggish and unable to perform well. Similar to charging your gadgets, you need vitamins to power up your body. The body needs lots of vitamins but are not able to produce in ample amounts. Vitamin deficiency can easily upset the metabolic reactions or internal balance of the body.
Eating healthy foods is one way of acquiring energy for the body. Sometimes, the body needs to take vitamin supplements to help boost energy even with a healthy diet. For example, those who are just recovering from an ailment, or for pregnant women. Considering that it is not always possible to get vitamins from your daily diet, the nutritional supplements play a main role in providing energy to your body. Thankfully, there are a variety of vitamins to help you obtain that much-needed energy.
At times, taking medications can come between the absorption of nutritional vitamins. In such a case, the intake of energy supplements has to be increased. Not enough vitamins are normally the result of poor eating habits, stress and alcoholism. Remember this to be able to avoid health problems. Take all these vitamins in moderation; do not consume any specific food just to get more energy.
Eggs, bananas and nuts are major energy-boosting foods which can easily be part of your diet. Some of the foods mentioned below are rich sources of vitamins and minerals, which also provide energy:
- Vegetables and Fruits
- Whole Grains (milk, skim milk smoothies, low-fat yogurt, low-fat cheese)
- Dairy Product
- Legumes
- Non-vegan Foods (beef, fish, meat, chicken, lamb, pork, veal, turkey, shellfish)
The following are the top vitamins to take that boost, particularly if you have been feeling worn out:
Vitamin B
It is the most vital source for the use and production of energy. Every one of the vitamins that belong in the group, is essential to avoid weakness and to energize the body:
Vitamin B1 – It is also referred to as thiamin, which improves the immune system of the body so that the nervous system and the brain can perform more efficiently. It is also necessary for metabolizing food properly in the body that gets the energy for all the work.
Vitamin B2 – It is commonly known as riboflavin, which is essential for the energy production by way of chemical reactions. People who are lacking in riboflavin usually feel tired and sluggish.
Vitamin B3 – This is also called niacin that treats high cholesterol, which is the reason for the decrease of the energy of the individual.
Vitamin B5 – This vitamin is also called pantothenic acid that works in strengthening the defense mechanism of the body. If you are ill, your body needs lots of energy in order to combat sickness. It helps your body to store energy by strengthening the immune system.
Vitamin B6 – It is also referred to as pyridoxine, which helps protect the arteries. Without the right circulation of blood, the cells will be unable to make enough energy for the system to get plenty of oxygen in order to meet the energy requirements.
Vitamin B9 – It is also called as folic acid, which plays a crucial role in the development of the red blood cells that are essential to maintain levels of energy.
Vitamin B12 – This one is also referred to as cyanocobalamin, which has a huge role in absorbing foods, contributing to the replenishment of energy.
Biotin is another important vitamin source for energy, as it provides both protein and fat metabolism that helps in converting food into energy.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is another source of energy. It works on the cellular functionality in the body, by it making it sure that if any damage is brought on throughout the day, it repairs that damage whenever you sleep or rest. The body would have difficulty performing at its full capacity without vitamin C. Moreover. It sends the chemicals to the mitochondria in the cell, and thus promoting the energy production needed by the body.
Other Supplements for Energy
Iron deficiency can lead to anemia. Iron also supplies oxygen-transporting pigment in the blood that is commonly called hemoglobin, giving energy to your body. The majority of people require about 15 mg of iron every day. Iron is one of the most ideal sources of energy for women.
Magnesium is responsible for body functions such as in muscle health, absorption of calcium, and in the production of red blood cells. Magnesium gives the body cells with more fuel that are useful for energy production.
Generally speaking, it is best to get vitamins from food sources and it is advisable to take vitamin supplements after consulting with your physician.